Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the sun here is no joke.

so today chrissy and i decided we wanted to go to the beach after our 10 am tutorial. we came home and got changed and got to the beach around 1. it was a little cloudy but we were craving the sun so we decided to stay. i NEEDED a nap, so i ended up passing out after about 5 minutes. i woke up and rolled over, fell back asleep for a little, but i got bored. chrissy was bored too so we took a little walk down the beach. all in all we were at the beach for 2 and a half hours. i put a tiny bit of SPF 4 on my legs and stomach, but nothing on my face hoping i would get a little color. a little is now an understatement. i am so red i don't even recognize myself. it actually embarassing. no where else on my entire body is burnt, its just my face. no wonder the first day we went to lay out and tried to buy sunscreen we couldnt find anything lower than SPF 30. they don't even sell anything lower than that here. this sun is NOT A JOKE.


  1. Duh!!!!!! hello!!!!! You are gonna have older skin than your mother!!!!

  2. Didn't you see my earlier comment from Camden? He wanted to make sure you were aware of the hole in the ozone that is over Australia!
